Our attitude must stand tall to help secure the long-term sustainability of any sector we operate because due to Covid-19 collateral implications there are potential downsides to the development of global food chains, this is not going to be a wriggles free passage.
On the other hand the countless emergencies generated by the virus, give us the floor to think deeply about why the international community was so unprepared for an outbreak that was so inevitable taking in consideration is hardly the first time we’ve faced global catastrophes. The accelerated flow of goods, services and skills is
one of the principal reasons for the most rapid reduction of global poverty in history. Improved access to employment, nutrition, sanitation and public health, added over a decade in average life expectancy to the world’s population but on the other hand the heads of the nations failed to manage the downside risks generated by globalization which, if continue to left unmanaged, we will suffer escalating systemic risks.
Europe, especially, has to decide and take position to the dilemma if wants to be a self-sufficient region or an export-import region regarding production of agricultural products. The answer on this question will lead to fundamental changes in the supply chain, to the ‘protection’ of its farming system, to the minimum profitability’s levels of the producers & distributors are involved in the chain and will shape the direction and the vision for the next thirty years. No mention that an ‘honest’ answer will trigger optimization of the global supply chain model backing up with necessary financial
initiatives and solidarity measures to support poor nations by providing cheaper food through a smooth supply.
Up to now, structural deficiencies have undermined the competitive advantages of the agri-food sector and the structural design of the promotion of agricultural products by ensuring the sustainability of the farmers between different countries and not through reason which brings in privileged position some and in weak position others no matter proximity of areas and different indicators regarding legislation and economy’s status. Now there is no scope for a fiscal stimulus for all.
“Farm 2 Fork” concept yes, sure, but we should be very conscious with regard to spread added value to farmers’ level otherwise
‘No farm – No food’
and we will face a significant decrease of food production in EU, negative impact to farmers’ revenues, more cost for the consumers and exportation of EU’s carbon footprint to other geographical areas.
With supply chains broken and firm break of any social activity, to strengthen the capacity of national governments and farmers to protect and enhance food security and manage their resources sustainably, is a game-changer management.
this is an excerpt of the new book of Panos (Panayiotis) Chamakiotis that will be released in late January 2022